Keeping our utility bills current helps to keep our homes comfortable. We can regulate the temperature, have running water, enjoy entertainment, and operate appliances that make our weekly chores more manageable. But, what if, the life of a loved one depended on the electricity remaining on?
The story we want to share with you this month is about just that. A single mother of four came to GRACE in desperate need of help. She shared with her care manager that her 9-year-old daughter has a severe illness and needs constant monitoring and oxygen. Her daughter has been a frequent resident at the children’s hospital and between managing those stays and home care after her release, maintaining a stable job has been quite difficult.
She has a social worker that she works with to help her navigate her daughter’s condition and the current situation, but an impossible emergency had brought her to GRACE’s doorstep.
An overdue balance had put her at risk of her electricity being cut off. While an overdue balance is not an uncommon detail that our clients share with us during their initial intake assessment, this client’s sense of urgency could not be ignored.
Her daughter’s life relied on an oxygen machine that ran off of electricity and it was imperative that her treatments continue without disruption.
Fear and desperation brought this mother to GRACE where thankfully she was able to find the resources she wanted and the compassion she so sincerely needed. She left GRACE with her utility bill paid in full and was extraordinarily grateful that her daughter would be kept safe during these difficult times.
Her path ahead is a difficult one, but GRACE is so thankful that we were here for her when she needed us.