Do you know which items are some of the most requested at the GRACE Clothing Room? If you guessed socks and underwear, you are exactly correct!

Specifically, BRAND NEW socks and underwear!

Many children outgrow all kinds of clothing during the summer months and are in need of new and freshly fitted clothes for back to school preparations.

With prices going up on almost everything lately, many families are not able to provide underwear and socks for their children. This can become very uncomfortable at times.

Here at GRACE, we strive to help families in any situation that may arise, all of which comes from our mission, which “is to be a steward of God’s blessings and resources in the community, by demonstrating compassion for those less fortunate by providing assistance to individuals and families in crisis and guidance toward self-sufficiency.”

Our community makes all of this possible with the donations that are given to GRACE.

We are in need of these items below, especially for Boys! All items must be brand new.


  • Girls’ Sizes – Small, Medium & Large
  • Boy’s Sizes – Small, Medium & Large



  • Girls Sizes – 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16
  • Boys Sizes – 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16

If you have any questions about specific Clothing Room needs, please reach out to Chief Program Officer, Stacy Pacholick, at