“My life verse has always been Galatians 6:9. It has guided me in every challenge; every decision in my life: ‘Let us not be weary in doing good: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’.” With that wise counsel and valiant concept, Rebecca Cox takes on her new role as Chief Executive Officer of GRACE.

“Doing good” comes as natural to Rebecca as breathing. She found her calling early in life at Fort Worth’s Presbyterian Night Shelter. There she found the fulfillment that comes with helping those who are struggling the most in our community.

Since that time, nearly a quarter-century later, Rebecca’s character has been defined by serving those facing poverty, homelessness, and resource scarcity. She’s led initiatives to improve community clinics and mental healthcare facilities. For a half-dozen years, hers was the face of homeless housing services in DFW with lead roles at the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition and the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance.

Her dedication to serving those in need is matched only by her unique education mix: she holds Master’s Degrees in both Social Work (MSSW) and Non-profit Management (MPA). Rebecca teamed the two fields in managing a multi-million dollar rental subsidy program, and operating large-scale homeless shelters.

Most recently she used her strong skills and knowledge to strengthen an equine-assisted therapy agency for special needs children, adults, and military veterans. She credits much of her success to her servant leadership style and collaborative spirit.

“Any good work is only accomplished through collaboration and mutual understanding,” she said. “My passion always has been, and always will be empowering those who are struggling in need and to see them not only survive, but thrive.”

She continued: “I am beyond excited to be joining GRACE, and to serve alongside the amazing good that happens there every day. I look forward to where God will bring us.”

GRACE is a social services agency headquartered in Grapevine and serving most of North Texas with a continuum of care including Hunger Services, Housing Services, Medical Services, Children’s Services, Senior Services, and Emergency Services.

One of Rebecca’s first official acts will be to preside over the GRACE Christmas Cottage Open House on Monday, December 4. This celebration is open to the public.

Rebecca and her husband John have been married for 22 years and have two amazing sons. The family enjoys hiking together in their free time.

For more information, contact Anni Hengesbach-Gomes, GRACE Volunteer and Public Relations Coordinator, at 817-305-4655, or email agomes@GRACEGrapevine.org.