In the month of July, GRACE received a client who needed assistance of every kind. During her appointment, our care worker listened as the distressed client explained that the house she shared with her young daughter had recently experienced an electrical issue which led to a fire starting under the home.

The home was still standing, but of course, had damage and was in desperate need of electrical repairs.

Amid quite a scare, she did everything right. She had obtained generous support from loved ones, had taken care of her rent and upcoming payments, and scheduled a contractor to take care of the fire damage and necessary electrical repairs.

Sadly, the client was deceived by her contractor. The repairs she thought were handled were not executed properly. All that time, effort, money, and responsible reaction in handling the unexpected crisis, and she was still left with an unsafe home, no air conditioning, and a $500 electric bill needing to be paid.

Our client is working with her city to help correct the electrical issues inside the home and has cooperated with them as they opened a still active case on the unlicensed ‘electrician’ who deceived her.

After a thorough assessment of the client by a GRACE Care Manager, GRACE was able to assist her with the full balance of her electric bill, obtain a safe AC wall unit for her immediate use, and connect the client with other resources to safely navigate her and her daughter through this ongoing, unexpected hardship. Our client is incredibly grateful.

Our Care Managers hear the most unexpected stories in their offices every week, but this one hits a little closer than usual – GRACE exists for the unexpected and we are grateful for the support of our community that allows us to be there for those who, even after doing everything right, still find themselves in need.