This week, GRACE hallways were lined with love and 125 overflowing Easter baskets from our friends at Good Shepherd Catholic Community!

Good Shepherd has donated baskets each year for families who come through our Client Services area, and we are happy to announce that each and every Easter basket is spoken for just in time for the big Sunday.

The annual donation has become a long-standing and highly anticipated tradition. Clients look forward to picking out the extravagant, colorful baskets and begin asking about them each year as Easter approaches.

This year, in addition to the hand-made Easter baskets were hand-written cards addressed to our client families from the wonderful volunteers at LDS!

GRACE would not be able to operate without the support of local church congregations with a kindred desire to share God’s love with those in need. We are tremendously blessed to have the family at Good Shepherd Catholic Community who are wholly invested in extending grace to others.  We cannot express our thanks enough to all of our partners – volunteers and organizations alike!

If you are interested in volunteering with GRACE for the first time we encourage you to attend an hour-long orientation to find ways to get involved. Orientation dates and other information can be found on our website, or you can reach out to the Volunteer Manager, Ryan Jackson, at