Why adopt?
Food insecurity is a huge issue throughout the United States, and you may be wondering how you alone can make a difference. If you live in a household that is food secure, you may never experience the feeling of being hungry or the stress and fear for how you are going to provide a meal for yourself and your children. The GRACE Food Pantry is here to help families who have fallen on hard times, thus relieving them of the added stress of grocery bills. The Take One, Leave One (TOLO) Box gives individuals and families access to food anytime day or night, outside of the GRACE Food Pantry’s operating hours.
Who is eligible to adopt a box?
Everyone is welcome to adopt a TOLO! Individuals, businesses, community groups, service clubs, schools and student groups, faith-based organizations, neighborhood associations, and youth groups are just some of the volunteers that can adopt a TOLO Box. GRACE is very excited about this project and wants to work with anyone willing to assist in this endeavor. We welcome creative ideas on how groups adopt these boxes! Examples could include but are not limited to multiple groups collaborating, or a church having each Sunday school class adopt the box for a week during the month. These details would be worked out at TOLO Orientation with the GRACE Volunteer Coordinator.
What is the time commitment and expectations?
- A minimum of one month agreement, but would love longer term agreement.
- Adoptees will stock the box and will visit and evaluate the box needs once a week (at minimum).
- Each two weeks, the adoptee will submit, via email, a standard report to GRACE Volunteer Coordinator on status of food, any repairs needed and any questions.
- When adoptee visits the TOLO Box, they will be tasked on making sure site around box is clean and the box is functioning and will alert GRACE Staff if repairs are needed.
- At the end of the month or each month of the agreement, the adoptee will fill out a survey so GRACE can continue to improve this program to benefit our community and give volunteers the best experience possible!
How do I sign up?
1. Fill out application and volunteer agreement
2. Submit documents to volunteer@GRACEGrapevine.org
3. Meet with GRACE Volunteer Coordinator to schedule an orientation and decide on availability and location of box (we currently have three boxes at different locations)
Examples of food to be in the TOLO box (changes slightly dependent on season):
- 4 -10 cans of Green Beans *
- 4-10 cans of Corn *
- 4-10 cans of Sliced Carrots
- 4-10 cans of Green Peas
- 4-10 cans of Beans (various kinds) *
- 10 cans of Soup (various kinds) *
- 4 small cans of Spaghetti-o’s *
- 4 small cans of Chili Beans *
- 4 small cans of Beef-a-roni
- 2-5 cans of Chicken Breast *
(* items the Food Pantry has to restock often due to high demand)
Other items that are good include:
- Mac and Cheese
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Tuna
QUESTIONS? Contact us at volunteer@gracegrapevine.org