It all began with a sub sandwich. Rather, a bagful of sub sandwiches from Grapevine Subs & More. Nicole and Sam Felberbaum, proprietors of Grapevine Subs at the time, had a brilliant fundraising idea for the CBI Brotherhood, a group of community-spirited people associated with Congregation Beth Israel, a Reform Jewish community in Colleyville. It was late in 2013, and Sam’s idea was a casino night event to benefit several local charitable agencies, including GRACE. Sam’s purpose of the meeting—and the subs—was to learn some of the “tricks of the trade” of doing special events. Sam had been impressed by the reach and success of the GRACE Gala, and was hoping to use it as a model for his casino night idea. A date in January 2014 was set, and a theme of a 1920’s-era speakeasy tavern was created. Fast forward nine years, and Sam’s concept has blossomed into one
Read more →GRACE welcomes our new Marketing & Communications Manager, Natalie Podsednik! Growing up in Arlington, Texas, Natalie has always been very outgoing. Playing volleyball, cheerleading, and hiking were just a few of Natalie’s interests. On top of graduating from Southwest Christian School in 2017 with all A’s, Natalie continued her education going to Abilene Christian University, with a study in Graphic Design/Advertising. She was a member of AIGA, (America Institute of Graphic Arts) and the sorority Delta Theta, and carried on a load of internships that would propel her to the next level in her life. Natalie graduated Summa Cum Laude and received the Presidential Scholarship throughout all four years. Natalie first started working with GRACE as the Marketing & Communications Intern in early July, helping to brand the entire 2021 Gala, and rebranded GRACE as a whole. She transitioned to the manager role in late September- just in time for
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