A Client Testimony

Through the donation of a car from a very generous donor, a partnership with Compass Church and commitment from our GRACE staff, a single mother drove away from GRACE this week with the freedom she had not experienced in a very long time.  After a number of setbacks, this mother found herself homeless, without a vehicle and without a job.  Through her determination and the help of GRACE and Compass Church, she has been able to secure employment and get her son settled in school, however transportation and housing were still an issue. This single mother was staying in a temporary housing situation, because it allowed her closer access to her child’s school and other resources.  With secured employment, housing options were looking more promising, but not without the ability to transport her and her son to school and work.  Now that barrier, a real obstacle for MANY families in

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Tables Available Now for Designer Bags & Bingo 2022!

We are T minus six weeks away from our fabulous event GRACE’s Designer Bags and Bingo benefitting Transitional Housing. This event will be a full afternoon of fun competition, friendship, laughter and of course, designer bags. Designer Bags and Bingo raises awareness for the Transitional Housing program, designed to work with homeless individuals and families to help move them towards independence. Transitional Housing clients participate in intensive case management to help them achieve educational, career and financial goals while living in clean, stable housing. All activities guide clients to self-determination and self-sufficiency. The maintenance bay at Sam Pack’s Five Star Subaru of Grapevine will once again serve as the venue for this event on Sunday, May 1st. Players will have ten thrilling rounds of bingo, and many more chances to win a stylish and luxurious designer bag. Marc Jacobs, Coach 1941, and Longchamp are just some of the many designer

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24 Hours of GRACE is This Tuesday, March 22nd!

Gifts to “24 Hours of GRACE” have funded GRACE Emergency Services, the Community Clinic, Food Pantry and Gardens, Transitional Housing, Senior Services, and Children’s Services. Last year, the GRACE response to the COVID 19 pandemic was supported by “24 Hours of GRACE”. Our year ended with just over 11,000 unduplicated clients. After this massive inflow of new clients caused by the shutdowns, cutbacks, furloughs, and layoffs, GRACE estimated the number of clients seeking assistance would decline and stabilize. Yet, the following 12 months saw 12,300 unduplicated clients come to GRACE. The carry-over effect from the pandemic seemed to be a combination of slow recovery in the Grapevine-centric hospitality industry, deteriorating economic conditions nationally, and the fears of escalating global conflict. Even now with the pandemic “over” the numbers of people seeking relief are running at crisis levels, and continuing an upward trend. Next Tuesday, March 22, our “24 Hours of

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COMING UP: Volunteer Appreciation 2022

Volunteers have a special place in the hearts of many in the community. They are willing to give back their time and energy by serving in many different aspects. Whether sorting through donations or visiting our clients, GRACE volunteers deserve to be recognized for all of their hard work. April 17th- April 23rd is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. Organizations across many communities will be celebrating volunteers during this heartwarming week. National Volunteer Appreciation Week was established in 1974 and has grown to be worldwide that thanks volunteers for lending their time, gifts, and voice to support a cause they care about. GRACE’s Volunteer Appreciation Event was virtual last year, however this year we are back in person and we want to continue the tradition of making our volunteers feel special. Every day of that week we will celebrate volunteers with appreciation events at each of the GRACE volunteer sites. Volunteers

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Another Great Turnout for Feed Our Kids

With months of planning and preparation, this weeks’ Feed Our Kids- Spring Break has come and gone and we must say it was a huge success. The GRACE Feed Our Kids is a summer lunch program that provides lunches for children at designated sites close to where they live. Most of the children qualify for reduced or free lunches during the school year. Lunches are provided throughout the summer and are made and served by various groups in the community. This year for spring break, Feed Our Kids served an average of 30 lunches a day across 2 sites, distributing 409 lunches to kids in the community. Volunteers from First Baptist Church Grapevine and First United Methodist Church have been working endlessly to make this an awesome week for the children in the community. “What an exciting and wonderful week for Feed Our Kids” said Beth. “We served our neighborhood

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The Adopted GRACE Tree

Sometimes the smallest gestures can make the biggest impact, and that is exactly what volunteer Janie Stewart and her husband Kenneth are all about. When GRACE moved into its new facility on Walnut Street about three years ago, a group of volunteers were gracious enough to plant a small tree outside of the Food Pantry. They named it the GRACE Tree, symbolizing that hope and self-sufficiency may come over every staff, client, volunteer, donor and anyone who enters the doors of GRACE. Five years after being planted, the GRACE Tree is still in very good shape due to the hard work and dedication of Janie and Kenneth. The Stewarts comes out to volunteer at the GRACE Food Pantry every Wednesday to water it, clean up around it and make sure the soil growing around it is healthy for the tree. Pantry Manager, Marcus Miranda, says that “You can feel the

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25 Years of Glamour: NCL Fashion Show 2022

After 25 years of fashion, the 2022 NCL Fashion Show & Benefit continues to impress the community with style, philanthropy and of course fashion. This year, the Fashion Show focused on 25 years of NCL Southlake and how it has grown to become the amazing organization that it is today. The NCL Southlake chapter is a group of mothers and daughters who have come together to participate in community service activities, leadership development and cultural experiences. Members of NCL Southlake reside in the city of Southlake or attend Carroll ISD schools. Like all NCL Inc. Chapters, Southlake aims to foster the mother-daughter relationship by serving its communities together. Television personality Melissa Rycroft and Carrol middle school theatre arts teacher, Chad McCoy, were the emcees this year. Both emcees carried the event along very well with their dazzling personalities and witty humor. There was also an element of nostalgia as they

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Light of the World Church Blesses the GRACE Clinic

It seems no one has made it out of the indecisive weather patterns unaffected over the past few months. Quite frankly, it’s given us all a bit of whiplash, and more commonly- unforgiving allergies. This, combined with a number of other health threats, have quickly emptied the medicine inventory at the GRACE Community Clinic. Over-the-counter meds have been flying off the shelves faster than we can stock them, and the need for help was becoming more and more clear. As if on queue, God delivered. At the request of their senior pastor, Greg Beutel, Light of the World Church members brought a variety of medications from the GRACE needs list in place of a present. Greg was celebrating his 50th birthday, and chose to donate to our clinic instead of making a wish list of his own. To Greg and all the church members who participated, know that you have

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2022 Taste of Southlake: Huge Success!

Taste of Southlake was loads of fun, topped with music, socializing, and food for the entire family to enjoy. This event not only saved many dinner plans for families but it also served as the completion of Leadership Southlake’s group project that impacts some part of the Southlake community.  The goal of this delicious event is to give back and bring awareness to local restaurants by allowing them to show off what they do best. Hosted by the Cambria Hotel, along with many different food options, this event was sure to be a promising one. GRACE’s very own Transitional Housing manager, Martisha Smith and Seasonal programs manager, Beth Chernik, are a part of the Leadership Southlake 2021-2022 class, and have expressed how close their bond has become since collaborating on this exciting project. “The opportunity for us to work together along with fifteen others is priceless” said Beth. “It allows

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