New Seasons and Well Wishes

GRACE staff are some of the most hardworking and dedicated people in the community. These staff members have dedicated their time, whether short or long, to become a part of the GRACE family and to serve alongside many others to help those in need.  Over time, many of our staff often find new ventures calling them from beyond GRACE doors. Kelly Prond was the GRACEful Buys Euless Manager for about 5 years. She started her GRACE journey working at Donation Station. There she realized the importance of all of the wonderful donations that GRACE receives from the community and in turn what is given to our clients. When she started working at GRACEful Buys Euless, Kelly focused on the value of each item and adjusted pricing accordingly. “Kelly is a “Thrifter”, said Jennifer Rawls, Director of Resale and Operations. “Her attention to detail and excellent customer experience is what helped

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GRACE welcomes new Bilingual Caseworker, Ana Fores Tamayo

GRACE would like to introduce our new Client Services Caseworker, Ana Fores Tamayo. Residing in the beautiful city of Keller, Ana has always had a wonderful motherly instinct. As she is listens to our clients, she is quick to remind them, “Keep working hard. Keep the faith. And keep dreaming positive dreams.” She loves listening to those who come to GRACE for help and getting to know their stories.  This is the first of her many attributes that everyone notices. It’s also what makes her perfect for the GRACE team. Before joining GRACE, Ana worked as a literature consultant at various colleges. She taught for 11 years, teaching English and writing composition. One of Ana’s favorite phrases is “Once a teacher, always a teacher”, which shows when she is interacting with clients. When she is not at GRACE, you can find her watching a play or writing poetry. Recently, Ana

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Socks and Underwear are needed!

Do you know which items are some of the most requested at the GRACE Clothing Room? If you guessed socks and underwear, you are exactly correct! Specifically, BRAND NEW socks and underwear! Many children outgrow all kinds of clothing during the summer months and are in need of new and freshly fitted clothes for back to school preparations. With prices going up on almost everything lately, many families are not able to provide underwear and socks for their children. This can become very uncomfortable at times. Here at GRACE, we strive to help families in any situation that may arise, all of which comes from our mission, which “is to be a steward of God’s blessings and resources in the community, by demonstrating compassion for those less fortunate by providing assistance to individuals and families in crisis and guidance toward self-sufficiency.” Our community makes all of this possible with the

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GRACEful Buys Gets A Makeover!

GRACEful Buys Grapevine is one of our upscale resale stores that funds a large portion of our annual budget. This storefront is generated by donations given to us by our extraordinary community, who are always eager to give back to GRACE and its programs. Within the community is the lifeblood of GRACE: our volunteers. GRACE volunteers are always searching for new ways to spread the message of GRACE, in hopes of delivering a brighter tomorrow to our clients. A couple of months ago, GRACEful Buys received a large donation of books of all genres. GRACEful Buys Manager, Sandy Laquey, had a brilliant idea of having a library room inside GRACEful Buys for customers to visit. The room would be filled with different kinds of books for customers of all ages and interests. Unfortunately, Sandy was too busy to take this on by herself while running the store. However, Gateway Church

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Welcoming Home Two Wonderful Women

One of the most impactful moments in the GRACE calendar is the welcome a new Transitional Client receives when she first enters her new apartment. After several years of blessing homes over Zoom, old traditions were restored, and GRACE staff and volunteers piled into the small efficiency to wish clients well. This week, GRACE was blessed to embrace two wonderful ladies into their new homes. Representatives from Abiding Grace Lutheran Church in Southlake and White’s Chapel United Methodist Church were in attendance as well. Members of the congregation volunteer their time and expertise to fully renovate each apartment as one family moves on and another comes in. From the moment a client enters the program, all the furniture used in the space is theirs to take with them. This not only allows for less daunting expenses when a client graduates and finds a new home, it also provides a blank

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New Faces in Client Services: Welcome Eli!

GRACE would like to introduce our  Fabulous Client Services Manager, Eliza Marentes. Growing up in San Jose, California, Eli has always been the one to help people. She is motivated by joy, teamwork, and her deep compassion for others, and that is why she is an awesome fit for her position. Before joining GRACE, Eli worked as an Advocate for protective caregivers and neglected children at the Alliance for Children. Working there, Eli says that she became more accustomed to nonprofits and fell deeply in love with motivating clients. Here at GRACE, Eli has already made an amazing impact on the GRACE staff and more importantly our clients. She is always giving advice and encouraging clients to “ focus on the day-to-day goals first, and once those goals are completed consistently,  you will know that you are going in the right direction.” In the office, Eli is known for her

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Cynthia Day Hosts Birthday Bash for Transitional Housing Clients

GRACE volunteers are amazing in so many ways. Their dedication is incredible, their motive is to give, and their ideas are impressive. Last weekend our Transitional Housing clients were given a big surprise from one of our volunteers. Cynthia Day, attended the 2nd annual GRACE Designer Bags & Bingo Benefiting Transitional Housing event in May, on behalf of her company, Trusted Results Reality being the Title sponsor for the event. While participating in the event, Cynthia was reminded that all of the benefits and donations would go right into GRACE’s Transitional Housing program. After the event, she reached out to Transitional Housing Manager, Martisha Smith, and talked about more ways that she could give back to the families in Transitional Housing. They finally came out up with the idea of having a birthday party for the families. Transitional Housing decided to celebrate all birthdays that have passed this year, which

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Southlake Chamber Awards: Yellowstone Edition

This year’s Southlake Chamber Awards was spectacular in all kinds of ways. It was funny, entertaining, and had great live music, that would make anyone want to dance. Most of all, this Chamber Awards celebration highlighted the impact of many individuals and organizations in the community that strives to serve the community in so many ways. Hosted at the Marq Southlake by Mayor John Huffman and President and CEO of the Southlake Chamber, Mark Guilbert, this special evening was an evening that you couldn’t miss out on. The theme was SouthStone, a parody of the iconic television show Yellowstone. Ryan Davis from Ryan Davis Media provided an excellent short film, which had many cheering and having a good time. The event also had a live longhorn, mini Line Dancing Lessons, a trick roper, and a silent auction. a wine/whiskey pull and a delicious dinner catered by Scratch Kitchen. Below are

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Eagle Scouts Dedicate Their Project to GRACE

While participating in Eagle Scouts, scouts are usually given time to complete a specific project, that culminates with every lesson that is learned throughout the year. These special projects are usually tasks designed to help a community or help an individual in need. This year GRACE was chosen to be where one scout wanted to do his project. Nick Ferrara, is an ambitious 15-year-old, who loves to be a part of his Eagle Scout Troup. His experience in Eagle Scouts has shown him, that “your hard work will always pay off”, which is advice that he says he will take throughout any difficult challenge he may face. As the Scout Master announced their project details, Nick couldn’t help but think, about GRACE. A former Scout and friend of Nick’s recently did a project at GRACE. Nick and his family have also volunteered in different GRACE programs in the past, and

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Join the 2022 Gala Committee on a Company Tour!

As planning season for the 2022 GRACE Gala is ramping up, our Gala Committee is following suit! This coming Wednesday at 3:00 pm, a tour of GRACE sites and facilities is taking place, and it will be followed by a group happy hour at Sloan & Williams Winery. Both are open to anyone interested in joining this year’s Gala Committee, or even just for those interested in the workings and locations of GRACE in general! GRACE operations cover numerous sites, programs, services, and opportunities for our clients so taking time to see our facilities really helps to put it all into perspective. Our tour covers not only our history but we also walk through the facilities themselves and introduce the people who operate them. “Touring our facilities is maybe the best way to really see how GRACE operates,” said Christina Cates, GRACE Director of Community Engagement. “It’s always exciting to

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