Spring Cleaning Means Donation Station Needs You!

While you are doing your Spring Cleaning this year, we have one ask for you, please think about Donation Station. The GRACE Donation Station is the entry point to all donated items. Volunteers are always needed during this time. The Donation Station sees over 400 cars a day, with numbers even higher during this time of year. Volunteers play a significant role at Donation Station. Greeting donors, handing out tax receipts and unloading donations, and taking them back inside to be processed, are just some of the major volunteer duties. Other duties at D.S. are sorting, hanging, and tagging donated items. Another idea for your spring cleaning time is to please consider donating to Donation Station. GRACE sees many individuals and families throughout the year, and many of your donations go toward those families who are in need of assistance at this very moment. Your pots and pans, your clothes,

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Adding a Sprinkle of Joy to Client Birthdays

Here at GRACE, we are always open to specialty projects for boy scouts, girl scouts, groups, and individuals who are looking to make a difference in the community. This is exactly what 17-year-old, Anna Hazel, decided to do to complete her Gold Project. Anna Hazel is a sophomore at Nolan Catholic High School and has been an avid GRACE volunteer for over six years. Volunteering for many of GRACE’s programs, especially GRACE’s Feed Our Kids is a highlight of her volunteer experience at GRACE. Anna is an advocate for services towards her community and has organized many projects for organizations throughout the community to benefit families and individuals. This year, she decided to do something a little different. As part of her Girls Scout Gold Award, Anna needed to organize a project that must meet the requirement of sustainability. After much thinking, Anna decided to start her project with 36

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Classic Chevrolet’s 2nd Annual Wine Tasting Event Supports GRACE

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 22nd for the Tom and Susan Durant Foundation Wine Tasting Event featuring Larry White, level II Sommelier as he pours beautiful wines ranging from bubbly, red, whites and desserts. All proceeds raised will be matched 100% and will go to 13 local community organizations. These include: GRACE, 6 Stones, Gallant Few, RISE Adaptive Sports, Angel Fund of Trinity High School, VAST Community Outreach, Adaptive Training Foundation, Adriana’s Angels, Me Squared, Chari- T 2000, The Salvage Yard, Airborne Angel Cadets and The Tree of North Texas. The wine tasting will take place at Classic Chevrolet in the old Hummer building: 2501 William D. Tate, Building F, in Grapevine. This fantastic event begins at 6:30 PM – perfect for date night, a girl’s night out, or just a fun evening. Tickets are limited! Purchase now here so you don’t miss out. Thank you so much, Tom

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Good Shepherd EGG-stends the Joy of Easter

This week, GRACE hallways were lined with love and 125 overflowing Easter baskets from our friends at Good Shepherd Catholic Community! Good Shepherd has donated baskets each year for families who come through our Client Services area, and we are happy to announce that each and every Easter basket is spoken for just in time for the big Sunday. The annual donation has become a long-standing and highly anticipated tradition. Clients look forward to picking out the extravagant, colorful baskets and begin asking about them each year as Easter approaches. This year, in addition to the hand-made Easter baskets were hand-written cards addressed to our client families from the wonderful volunteers at LDS! GRACE would not be able to operate without the support of local church congregations with a kindred desire to share God’s love with those in need. We are tremendously blessed to have the family at Good Shepherd

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2023 Designer Bags & Bingo: SOLD OUT

GRACE’s Designer Bags & Bingo (DBB) benefitting Transitional Housing is coming up on May 7th and it is officially SOLD OUT! This event will be an exciting afternoon full of laughter, Bingo, and most importantly, designer bags. This fun twist on Bingo allows players to compete for high-quality designer purses from Coach to Versace and everything in between, which is sure to bring on friendly competition. While individual seats may be sold out, there are still some fabulous sponsorship opportunities available! If you are interested in sponsoring this spectacular event, please contact Mark Woolverton at mwoolverton@gracegrapevine.org for more details. Designer Bags and Bingo is one of GRACE’s annual events that raise funds for GRACE’s impactful program, Transitional Housing. The Transitional Housing program works with homeless individuals and families to help move them toward self-sufficiency. Clients participate in intensive case management to help them achieve educational, career, and financial goals while living

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GRACE Community Garden Partners with Health Night

In honor of Earth Day and National Gardening Month in April, two GRACE volunteers took the time to educate GRACE clients on gardens and how to incorporate growing healthy food. Diabetic Educator, Antonio Miranda Ph.D., RD, LD Master Gardener, teamed up with GRACE’s Master Gardener Caryn Hutchinson at this month’s Health Night at GRACE to cover the topic of Growing Organic Foods. This meeting highlighted the importance of healthy eating, smart gardening on a budget, the different types of fruits and vegetables to grow, and much more. GRACE clients were even given a surprise tour of the GRACE Community Gardens by Caryn, in hopes of sparking fresh ideas for personal gardens. “I am so happy Caryn was able to come and help educate our group about the GRACE Community Gardens,” said Antonio. “Many GRACE clients will now be able to grow their own garden while eating healthy and on a

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Long-Time GRACE Friends Make Special Tribute to Son

Judy & Tom Hund have been avid volunteers and supporters of GRACE and the community for well over two decades, with a thriving mission of giving back to those in need. After the passing of their son, Daniel, to cancer, the Hunds discovered an honorable way of giving back to the community while also keeping his memory alive. Daniel Hund was a 6’2”, 260lb offensive lineman who played for the 2002 Southlake Carroll State Championship team. After high school, Daniel went on to graduate Cum Laude from TCU with a Master’s in Accounting in 2008. Dan was always into shoes and had a collection of them in his closet. After meeting Barry Rush from the Dallas Cowboys through some mutual friends in 2012, the two developed a bond over shoes – a bond that can never be untied. Daniel passed away at the age of 35 years following an 18-month-long

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RSVP Now for 2023 Volunteer Appreciation!

We are T-Minus 2 weeks away from GRACE’s Volunteer Appreciation week and the annual GRACE Volunteer Appreciation Awards Luncheon- to honor all our real life super heroes in the community. We do not want you to miss out on all the exciting activities we have in store for you! This year, GRACE staff is going all out to make this a perfect week for GRACE Volunteers. Here is just a sneak peek of what will be happening at some of the sites. During the week, GRACE Community Clinic will be passing out gift cards to their volunteers and Client Services will be giving out goodie bags. On Tuesday, April 11th the Donation Station team is gearing up to provide a light breakfast for their Volunteers. This is no ordinary breakfast, this is a Superhero Breakfast full of fruits and Pastries for everyone to enjoy. Volunteers will also have a chance

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Tiny Arms, Big Hearts

Everyday heroes are not extinct – Harriett and Millie prove that! Two amazing volunteers, a dino wrangler and a loyal following of helpers are part of this amazing group who do good deeds and spread kindness all over the community. Dino Deeds started a few years ago and their first day on the job took them to the Colleyville Police Department, where they delivered donuts for the officers, and to Grapevine High School’s Rise program, where they brought donations for the students who were collecting socks for the homeless. Over the past year, Dino Deeds has been actively involved in GRACE Christmas Cottage and most recently held a very successful food drive for the GRACE Food Pantry outside of Market Street in Colleyville. “We started this because we just love our community, and we want to encourage people to give back,” Wrangler Betty says. “We would love for other people

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24 Hours of GRACE: Thank You and Still Time to Give!

SPECIAL NOTICE: Our good friends at the Colleyville Rotary Club have put up $5,000 as matching funds for the 24 Hours of GRACE campaign. Your gifts through this weekend will be matched by the club. The 2023 24 Hours of GRACE is almost at its end. Our books will be open for just little longer in case you had computer/connectively issues, or, like many people, you really need 32 hours in a day to do everything you need to do! Thus far, as is always the case, our community has responded in a very generous way! Support for the GRACE Hunger Services has been astounding. BUT, please know as fast as our warehouse fills, it empties just as fast! That’s the nature of Hunger Relief—it only lasts for a short while. We have to be constantly on the search for food and funding. But for today, and the near future,

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