Here at GRACE, we are always open to specialty projects for boy scouts, girl scouts, groups, and individuals who are looking to make a difference in the community. This is exactly what 17-year-old, Anna Hazel, decided to do to complete her Gold Project.

Anna Hazel is a sophomore at Nolan Catholic High School and has been an avid GRACE volunteer for over six years. Volunteering for many of GRACE’s programs, especially GRACE’s Feed Our Kids is a highlight of her volunteer experience at GRACE.

Anna is an advocate for services towards her community and has organized many projects for organizations throughout the community to benefit families and individuals. This year, she decided to do something a little different.

As part of her Girls Scout Gold Award, Anna needed to organize a project that must meet the requirement of sustainability. After much thinking, Anna decided to start her project with 36 Birthday Boxes for GRACE Clients. Each box will contain a 9 x 13 aluminum pan with a lid, candles, cards, gender and age-neutral napkins and plates, cake mix, and a can of frosting.

To fund the project, Anna started with a $25 starter fund from cookie sales, an Amazon wish list, and videos posted on various social media platforms such as Nolan Catholic parent’s Facebook page and Holy Trinity’s Facebook parents page. Over the course of 3 days, Anna received over double the amount of items that she needed for the 36 Birthday Boxes.

Last week, Anna delivered the 36 birthday boxes with a message to deliver to our GRACE Clients. “Even in tough times, we can all still celebrate.”

“The Birthday Boxes provided by Anna is such an amazing gift,” said Client Service Manager, Eli Marentes. “It gives GRACE Clients some light during a dark time and it gives the community another chance to be there for those in need.”

Anna, thank you for thinking about GRACE and its clients when choosing how you can serve the community. We appreciate you so much.

For more information on how you can start a project at GRACE, please contact, volunteer Manager, Ryan Jackson, at