GRACE interviews hundreds of households each month…households led by hard working individuals that find it difficult to meet their families’ basic needs. Last month, Care Managers in Client Services interviewed over 800 families, each in need of assistance to combat a financial crisis that put them in a position to risk housing, hunger and often times health.

What GRACE sees time after time is one crisis that can quickly spiral out of control causing a “domino affect” further burdening the family. Transportation is often the catalyst for disruption in the family.

For the families we visit each day, the loss of a vehicle even for a minor repair can be catastrophic. By losing a family’s means of transportation, every other area of security is affected. Job security is disrupted, childcare can be affected, and food security can all spiral out of control as a family works to repair or replace their means of transport.

For our clients in our Transitional Housing program, transportation is a must. With limited public transportation, a reliable vehicle is essential to enable a Transitional Housing participant to work toward self-sustainability. Currently there are two clients in Transitional Housing who have been battling their cars’ reliability.

GRACE graciously accepts donated vehicles that can truly transform a family’s ability to be secure in all the areas listed above. If you have a working vehicle that you are replacing, we ask that you consider donating it to GRACE.

For the safety and continued movement toward self-sufficiency of our clients, respectfully, we are not looking for a “push-pull-or-drag” donation. If you have such a car, please contact Charity Motors. They will assist you with your donation and if you would, you can ask that the proceeds come to GRACE!

However, if you have a good working vehicle to donate to GRACE, a full fair market valuation of the car will be set, and a receipt for the tax-deductible gift will be issued. If you have a car donation, please contact Teresa Williamson, GRACE Chief Financial Officer or call 817-305-4661.